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lost away

Read all the details about our partnership:














We partnered with Games.Partners, a Polish communications team, to collaborate on the announcement of one of their client's games, Lost Away, a first-person extraplanetary exploration survival game.


With Lost Away in early development, our task at hand was to hype up their announcement trailer. The goal was to get as many eyes as possible on the trailer in order to drive viewership and boost Steam wishlists. We also wanted to entice people to interact with the developers' socials and website, and get 1-2 top tier articles to get a conversation going within the mainstream gaming media.


It’s safe to say that we blew their expectations out of the park! Major news outlets that covered this story included IGN and PCGamer, securing a combined total of 42 articles, blogs, and forum posts within a 48 hour period.


The announcement trailer was covered across the globe, with news coming from Asia, North America, and Europe. The trailer announcement was also covered throughout social media: On Twitter, news organisations totalling over 2.2 million followers tweeted their respective articles. YouTube Trailer hosts, totalling just shy of 17 million subscribers, also re-uploaded the trailer to their individual channels.


We thoroughly enjoyed our time working with Games.Partners so we want to thank them for granting us this amazing opportunity! 

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